Released in 2017 by Bossa Studios, Worlds Adrift had such a unique atmosphere and concept, one which no other game has so far matched. Both the skyship and islands, along with the unique grappling hook traversal mechanics, were such amazing experiences and the exploration potential was absolutely unmatched. Sadly after two years the game shut down due to developmental challenges that prevented the game from really taking off. In nostalgic tribute to it, I’ve designed several of the objects from the game, one of my favorites being the Saborian Chest, with the gold coloring and unique animations it had when interacting with it. These are based off of the designs from the Island Creator where the community could originally design their own islands to potentially be included in the game. The Island Creator remains available on steam, and it’s an amazing flashback to design an island and swing around on it with your trusty grappling hook and glider.
Saborian Chest
Worlds Adrift had a number of chests you could find on each island, each with a different design, however the Saborian version was by far my favorite in terms of appearance and the way it folded open the top to release the box inside. I also love the stylish simplicity of the golden insets on the otherwise stony grey. The chest is printed in two parts, the main piece, and the inside box (not in the image). In order to replicate the opening effect, the “wings” on either side of the chest are designed so they can flip open and allow the inside box to be removed, while not requiring separate assembly. They are printed in place with the rest of the chest body, tight enough that they stay in place while printing, but with enough clearance that they can break free and rotate on the internal pin they are mounted to.