This was a custom project of the Halo Needler I made for a friend of mine. This one is not my model, the original can be found on Thingiverse here. The important thing was that it was already designed for electronics so I didn’t have to modify it very much that way. There were a few tricky parts to print though, particularly the needles themselves. Their height and lack of footprint on the print bed tended to cause them to come loose while printing due to the fact that they are hollow, for lighting purposes. To help them stick down, I modified the bottom of the needle to to add some surface area while still leaving the rest of it hollow. This also conveniently served to hold the LED that lights up the needle itself. I did worry about the structural strength of the needles as well, however the perimeters are not too thin, and once printed they proved to actually be quite sturdy.

Most of the rest of the print was fairly straightforward, and despite the large number of individual LEDs to connect, the wiring was fairly easy as well. All of the lights are wired to a switch on the trigger, which pulls from a sizable lithium battery. Honestly it’s probably overkill on the capacity, but it provides plenty of runtime

Original vs Modified Needles