The design for just the bayard on it’s own came after I posted a picture of the second version of Keith’s bayard. Conversation happened, and someone asked if I could design “The Gayard.” I’m still not entirely sure on the origins of it, which I think is referencing something, but essentially it’s a bayard with a rainbow stripe. That seemed simple enough to me, so I got to work. I already had a bayard handle designed into Keith’s bayard, so I took the model for it, and removed the blade portions, leaving just the handle. It still needed a few tweaks just to make sure it looked right, but if you look at the handle of Keith’s bayard vs the inactive bayard model, they’re close to identical.
The color pieces are already split into two pieces on each side of the bayard for optimum printing, so to make the rainbow, I sliced a couple pieces out of the bottom of each one and printed each slice in a different color, then stacked them all back together to make the rainbow. I also made a version without the slices for solid color bayards, so I could make just about any color bayard I wanted as long as I had the appropriate filament.